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Year 6 Transition

Timetable - March - July 2024


01 March

Offer Day

You will receive an offer letter from your Local Authority

 12 April Letters will be sent home to parents with forms to complete, e.g pupil registration form, consent forms
30 April

Invite into school

Individual meetings with parents. 

Opportunity to buy a uniform

01/02 July

SEND transition day

Single pupils from primary school visit 

03 July 

National Transition day.  

All girls attend in primary school uniform to spend a day in school.  

Arrive by 08:50am          Finish at 03:10pm

School lunch is provided.

04 September

Afternoon start for Year 7

12:00 noon - 2:00pm

Girls to spend time with forms 

Parents attend meeting with the Headteacher and the Head of Year 7.

05 September

 Whole school starts 

School starts at 08:50 am


St Paul's School for Girls