Please support our high standards by ensuring that your daughter is wearing correct school uniform.
This is compulsory for Years 7-11 and in all circumstances girls must maintain a smart appearance. All uniform should be named.
- Plain navy or black coat. Coats with logos or made of denim or leather or look like leather are not acceptable.
- Navy four-gore skirt – just above the knees.
- White open necked blouse with slit at the side of the hem in Year 7 to Year 10.
- Navy pullover with V shaped neck with school colours at neck, cuff and welt.
- School purse as stocked by school uniform suppliers – optional.
- School lanyard purchased from school is advisable.
- Plain black shoes should be worn in school.
- No boots, trainers or trainer style shoes may be worn in school.
- Shoes should be one colour, with no logo.
- Canvas shoes should not be worn.
- Socks should be knee length navy or black.
- Tights should be plain black, not patterned.
PE Uniform
- Tracksuit with school crest.
- Games blouse – Sky blue trutex games blouse with navy collar and trim and school crest.
- Games skort – Navy blue stretch skort (skirt and shorts combined) with school crest.
- Yellow knee-high games socks.
- White trainers.
- Navy pump-bag.
All other items require a name-tag to be sewn in securely. Please ensure you have all items ready for the start of the Autumn Term.
In the interests of safety and general good order around the school, the following points must be adhered to:
- Long hair must be tied back during school hours
- Jewellery may not be worn, except for a gold or silver stud in the lobe of the ear and a wristwatch. This jewellery must be removed for PE. If a choice is made to pierce ears, they will take 5-6 weeks to hear. Ear piercing must be done at the start of the summer holidays as all earrings must at all times be removed in PE lessons.
- Earrings of different colours are not allowed to be worn.
- Make-up may not be worn in Year 7-11.
- No hair gel or dye of any kind may be worn. Hair must be one colour. Hair braided with different colours is not acceptable.
- Nose, tongue, lip and eyebrow studs are not permitted.
- Only telescopic umbrellas must be used.
- No pouches to be used but a school bag large enough to carry books safely is required.
- Skirts must be worn appropriately.
Uniform Stockists
Clive Mark 4/5 Three Shire Road, Bearwood, 0121 454 4244 Gogna Unit 1B Demuth Way, Oldbury, 0121 523 5572 Mansuri 163 Yew Tree Lane, Sheldon, 0121 784 4230 My Uniform Hub 70b Soho Rd, Handsworth, 0121 551 7719 |