Criminology introduces you to the criminal justice system through a scientific study of criminal behaviour; drawing on a range of academic disciplines such as law, sociology and psychology. This exciting course explores theories of criminality to analyse criminal situations and make recommendations for policy. The study of criminology dates back to the beginning of the 18th century when scholars began to realise that defining criminal behaviour as simply a “sin” was not a sufficient way to understand this phenomenon. You will develop the knowledge and skills to research policy in practice, assess campaigns for changes in awareness and examine information to review verdicts in criminal cases.
The course focuses on an applied style, i.e. acquiring knowledge and understanding in purposeful contexts linked to the criminal justice system. An understanding of criminology is relevant to many job roles within the criminal justice sector, social and probation work alongside offering transferable skills such as problem solving, project based research and application of information to novel scenarios. These generic skills allow direct preparation for the next stage of education, employment or training, whilst the specific insight into criminological roles will enable you to make informed decisions about potential career routes in this field. Ultimately, we aim to support a critical and focused criminological mind and allow you to gain qualifications that allow you to go to destinations that meet your interests and aspirations.
Assessment materials